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Towards a modern healthcare system

For a modern healthcare system, the German healthcare sector must reset critical parameters in the face of economic and demographic challenges, a shortage of skilled professionals, and insufficient digitization. However, the pressure for change also presents numerous opportunities.

The Healthcare program of the Bertelsmann Stiftung advocates for a sustainable and patient-centered healthcare system. It must ensure high quality and safety for all patients, empower them in their health literacy, and continue to build on the proven foundation of the solidarity principle. This requires a fundamental reorganization of the system.

Our Areas of Action:

We aim to support the necessary transformation, considering innovation and patient-centric approaches as key elements for a sustainable healthcare system. In our work, we focus on the following:

  • We advocate for locally accessible healthcare by supporting the necessary structural changes in regional healthcare offerings, for example, through knowledge transfer among engaged stakeholders.
  • We strive to address the shortage of skilled professionals in the healthcare sector through innovative approaches.
  • We promote the digitization of healthcare, including practical concepts for a national health platform and integrated digital care structures in health regions.
  • In addition to addressing pressing issues in healthcare, it is essential to appropriately develop the system architecture in response to significant challenges.

In line with our non-profit mission, we provide scientifically grounded action plans and assess their practicality.

It is our particular concern to bring together relevant and action-oriented stakeholders in the healthcare system for dialogue. Only through collaboration can meaningful changes be made, and only through unified efforts can we set the course for a sustainable and patient-centered healthcare system!

We regularly share information about the specific activities of our projects in this blog. We hope you find it engaging, and we are available for any questions.”


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