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Towards a modern healthcare system
Why is it so difficult to get a doctor's appointment? Why do minor treatments often take place in hospitals? Why isn't nursing staff more effectively relieved? And why are there often no digital alternatives to paperwork? Progressive actors have already embarked on addressing issues in the healthcare system. In this blog, we report on flagship projects and innovative initiatives for the healthcare system.
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Trusted Health Ecosystems
Concept for a digital ecosystem in healthcare
29 Sep 2023
Dr. Sebastian Schmidt-Kaehler, Dr. Inga Münch
Torsten Dettlaff / pexels – Pexels License, https://www.pexels.com/photo-license/; Illustrationen: Ines Meyer

Tech Giants
Learning health systems: Can tech giants link everyday care with research?
08 Aug 2022
Dr. Thomas Kostera
Torsten Dettlaff / pexels – Pexels License, https://www.pexels.com/photo-license/; Illustrationen: Ines Meyer

Tech Giants
How the tech giants are changing the healthcare profession
29 Jul 2022
Dr. Thomas Kostera
Torsten Dettlaff / pexels – Pexels License, https://www.pexels.com/photo-license/; Illustrationen: Ines Meyer

Tech Giants
“I’ve always been concerned about the considerable power that the tech giants have” – an interview with Christiane Woopen
11 Jul 2022
Dr. Thomas Kostera